Quick Holiday Website Design Hacks You Can Do Now

Website Design

The holidays are around the corner, and you have to prepare not your home décor but also your website design. Holiday promotions are always a great idea! After all, you have to prepare for the holidays during the lean months.Though, if you weren’t able to make those preparations, it’s never too late! Here are some quick hacks to give your website a holiday-like feel.

Keep It Simple

Holiday decorations don’t need to be over the top. Simple tweaks can go a long way. Adding a few tweaks to your logo for the holiday season is completely acceptable.

If that’s not your style, you can either add GIFs or replace the features with something else. While at it, check your website speed and make sure those tweaks don’t slow down your website. The most important is to keep it classy. According to Magicdust, your website design must look legitimate and therefore they advise that you include website design upgrades in your annual budget.

Run Holiday Campaigns and Promotions

Businesses love holidays and you should too. The extra traffic and the attention you get from customers will make all the effort worth it.

Timing giveaways during the holiday season can help you promote your business. In keeping with the holiday spirit, choose a charity and donate a part of your profit. This will not only help the community, but it will also encourage more people to click on the Checkout button.

Holiday promotions don’t stop with those things, adding holiday-related content works too. Fill up your marketing calendar with holiday ideas for the last two months of the year.

While dealing with holiday stuff, don’t forget about your email campaigns. Wish your customers a happy holiday and offer free shipping or gift wrapping to celebrate the season. Segmenting customers by offering discounts and deals to fit their behaviour also works.

Improve Your Website Loading Speed

Can your website function well during the holidays? The only way to know is to test the load. Performance testing will assess how the website will do under heavy traffic. You need to test various functions, so you’ll need multiple tools.

Your graphics should be compressed, but still high-quality. The ideal graphic size for a fast-loading website is 1 MB.

To improve your website speed, you can combine CSS and JavaScript. Doing this will reduce the commands needed to display your page.

If you are worried about your web server’s loading speed, employ browser caching. Edit the HTTP headers and set different expiry times for each file type. This way, if a user visits your website multiple times, the content is stored in their browser, so you save on bandwidth.

Holiday modifications are great but don’t implement major changes at this time. Save those for quieter months when you don’t have to deal with too much traffic. If you didn’t make prior preparations, this should also serve as a reminder. Prepare for the next holiday season as this is the busiest time of the year for all businesses.

Hopefully, these reminders will help you bring your A-game and have a profitable holiday season. These are just some of the tips on how to prepare your website design for the holiday season and so you have no excuse not to take advantage of this season. After all, it only comes once a year!